As of May 5

The forum is a platform for communication, exchange of experience and association of educators, representatives of the parental community, religious and public organizations, as well as representatives of government and local self-government bodies.

  • integration of moral and spiritual values into education;
  • formation of the ideal of personal education and its practical implementation;
  • promoting the formation of a holistic worldview of the child.

Tasks of the Forum::

–      базуючись на результатах фундаментальних наукових досліджень, розкрити роль духовно-морального виховання як відповіді на виклики, що стоять нині перед українським суспільством;

–      to analyze the state, experience, challenges, problems of spiritual and moral education, to determine the tasks of further implementation of spiritual and moral education in the domestic education system


We live in a period of serious challenges that threaten national security, independence, the future of our state. The reason for this situation is the neglect of the fundamental laws of nature, social life and social activity.

In order to resolve the modern contradictions and complexities the original, effective, and fundamental solutions are needed.

An effective solution is a decisive return to the spiritual and moral values that have demonstrated effectiveness in domestic and international experience.

Education must become a place of change. The declared reform of national education brings insignificant episodic changes, it lacks a spiritual and ideological component, a pervasive national-spiritual idea.

The solution of problems and contradictions should be carried out by the collective national mind - scientists, representatives of the religious community, teachers, parents, representatives of state institutions, public organizations, all interested in the development of Ukrainian society on the basis of traditional spiritual and moral values.

Co-organizers of the Forum:

Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

- All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations;

Charitable Foundation "Live, Ukraine!";

Association of teachers of spiritual and moral subjects;

National University "Ostroh Academy";

- State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine;

- All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission"

Date and time: May 5, 2021, 10.00 - 20.00


The following people are invited to participate in the Forum:

–        педагоги з предметів духовно-морального спрямування;

–        представники Міністерства освіти і науки України;

–        члени Всеукраїнської Ради Церков і релігійних організацій

–        члени Громадської ради з питань співпраці з церквами та релігійними організаціями при Міністерстві освіти і науки України;

–        народні депутати України;

–        Уповноважений Президента України з прав дитини;

–        представники департаментів (управлінь) освіти обласних, Київської міської держадміністрацій;

–        міські голови, представники органів місцевого самоврядування;

–        керівники закладів освіти;

–        представники місцевих міжконфесійних рад;

–        експерти з державної політики у сфері освіти;

–        керівники приватних закладів дошкільної та загальної середньої освіти;

–        представники вищих педагогічних закладів освіти, обласних інститутів післядипломної педагогічної освіти;

–        автори програм і підручників з предметів духовно-морального спрямування;

–        педагоги позашкільного виховання (представники центрів, гуртків, фондів, таборів тощо);

–        психологи;

–        представники органів батьківського самоврядування у закладах освіти;

–        представники просімейних громадських організацій, благодійних організацій;

–        представники засобів масової інформації

 The speakers Форуму виступатимуть експерти з питань інтеграції моральних і духовних цінностей у зміст освіти, управління у сфері освіти, здійснення позакласної та позашкільної роботи у контексті формування моральної особистості.

Rules of operation:

–        привітання – до 5 хв.;

–        доповіді під час пленарних засідань – до 10 хв.;

–        виступи під час секційних засідань – до 5 хв.



Registration starts at 09.00. The Forum will start at 10.00

We send you the program of the All-Ukrainian forum (in the appendix).

Також надсилаємо посилання для підключення на платформі ZOOM для участі у роботі пленарних і секційних засідань Форуму:

first plenary session:

Section 1: "Spiritual and moral education in preschool institutions":

Section 2: "Spiritual and moral education in institutions of general secondary, vocational (vocational and technical) and higher education. Extracurricular and extracurricular work of spiritual and moral orientation ":

section 3: "Software and educational and methodological support for teaching spiritual and moral subjects":

Section 4: "Integration of spiritual values into academic disciplines":

Section 5: "The role of the parent community in ensuring the spiritual and moral education of students":

second plenary session:

Access code for all links 1000


Please note and ask you to connect:

to participate in the first plenary session from 9 to 10 o'clock,

to participate in the work of the section - during the break 14.00-14.30,

to participate in the second plenary session - during the break 16.30-17.00.


In case of connection problems, please contact colleagues who provide technical support:

plenary sessions - (096) 814-83-50 Mr. Mykhailo

section meetings:

- Section 1: "Spiritual and moral education in preschool education": (096) 825-59-64 Mr. Daniel;

- Section 2: “Spiritual and moral education in institutions of general secondary, vocational (vocational and technical) and higher education. Extracurricular and extracurricular work of spiritual and moral orientation ": (096) 814-83-50 Mr. Michael;

– секція 3: «Програмне та навчально-методичне забезпечення викладання предметів духовно-морального спрямування»: (097) 708-79-35 Грищук Дмитро Геннадійович;

- section 4: "Integration of spiritual values into academic disciplines": (095) 874-44-37 Vadym;

- Section 5: "The role of the parent community in ensuring the spiritual and moral education of students": (095) 491-34-16 Mr. Mark


We also send (in the appendix) the draft final document of the All-Ukrainian Forum. Proposals to it are asked to send by May 7, 2021 to the e-mail address


If you need to make changes to the program (in particular regarding the clarification of your position, the topic of your speech or the time of your speech, your participation in section meetings), please notify by 18.00 on May 4, 2021  or by phone (067) 503-20-05.


Так само з питань проведення Всеукраїнського форуму просимо звертатися  на електронну адресу  or by phone (067) 503-20-05 (Reshetnikov Yuriy Yevhenovych).


Please note that the broadcast of the All-Ukrainian Forum will be available at: or on Facebook:


Нагадуємо, що після проведення Всеукраїнського форуму ми плануємо здійснити публікацію його матеріалів. Зважаючи на це, пропонуємо заінтересованим особам надіслати тези своїх доповідей за електронною адресою

Materials of the All-Ukrainian Forum will be posted by e-mail:   



09.00 - 10.00 - registration of participants.

10.00 - the beginning of the Forum.

10.00 - 11.00 - opening of the forum. Performance of the National Anthem of Ukraine and the Spiritual Anthem of Ukraine


Welcome speeches:

- Marushchenko Volodymyr Stanislavovych - Chairman of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

- Chairman and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Supreme Archbishop Sviatoslav of Kyiv and Halych, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations;

- Kononenko Yuriy Hryhorovych - Head of the Main Department of General and Preschool Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

- Bishop Vitaliy Kryvytskyi - Ordinary of the Kyiv-Zhytomyr Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine;

- Clement - Metropolitan of Nizhyn and Pryluky, Head of the Educational Department at the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church;

- Yurash Sviatoslav Andriyovych - People’s Deputy of Ukraine, co-chairman of the Inter-factional deputy association “Values. Dignity. Family";

- Epiphanius - Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine;

- Panochko Mykhailo Stepanovych - Senior Bishop of the Ukrainian Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith;

- Berbeka Vasyl Volodymyrovych - Director of the Charitable Foundation "Live, Ukraine!"

- Konstankevych Iryna Myroslavivna - People’s Deputy of Ukraine, co-chair of the Inter-factional deputy association “Values. Dignity. Family";

- Commandant Hryhoriy Ivanovych - President of the Ukrainian Bible Society;

- Vartosz Rybinski - Vice President of the Eastern European Mission (Vienna, Austria)


11.00 - 14.00 - The first plenary session.

(moderators: Marushchenko Volodymyr Stanislavovych, Reshetnikov Yuriy Yevhenovych)


Pasichnyk Ihor Demydovych, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Academician, Hero of Ukraine, Rector of the National University "Ostroh Academy"

Topic of the speech: The role of the National University "Ostroh Academy" in the spiritual and moral education of children and youth


Mykola Oleksiiovych Kyrychenko, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy
Rector of the University of Education Management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Topic of the speech: Training of highly qualified pedagogical staff for the implementation of spiritual and moral education of children and youth


Кушерець Василь Іванович, доктор філософських наук, професор, член-кореспондент НАПН України, голова Всеукраїнського товариства «Знання» 

Klymyshyn Ivan Antonovych, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Prykarpattia National University. Vasily Stefanik

Grigorchak Orest, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Topic of the speech: Achievements of modern basic sciences as a basis and prerequisite for spiritual and moral education of children and youth


Савчин Мирослав Васильович, доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач  кафедри  психології Дрогобицького педагогічного університету ім. Івана Франка

Topic of the speech: Цілісне уявлення про здоров’я людини і проблеми духовно-духовно-моральне виховання дітей і молоді 


Vasyanovych Hryhoriy Petrovych, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Lviv State University of Life Safet

Topic of the speech: Spiritual and moral education of children and youth - a cross-cutting theme of foreign and domestic pedagogy


Otych Olena Mykolayivna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Integration of Higher Education and Science of the Institute of Problems of Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Topic of the speech: Christian meaning of education


Богуш  Алла  Михайлівна,  завідувач  кафедри теорії і методики дошкільної освіти Південноукраїнського державного педагогічного університету ім. К. Д. Ушинського,
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor 

Topic of the speech: Spirituality in the pedagogical dimension


Cіданіч Ірина Леонідівна, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри педагогіки, адміністрування і спеціальної освіти
University of Education Management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine 

Topic of the speech: University of Education Management of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


Savyuk Violeta Kostiantynivna, 4th year student of Chernivtsi Medical Vocational College, winner of the poetry contest on biblical themes among pupils and students of Chernivtsi region:

The poem "Christ is Risen!"


Evtodyuk Antonina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Psychologist

Topic of the speech: The relevance of Christian philosophical heritage in the post-truth era


Жуковський Анатолій Петрович, голова громадської організації «Інститут української національної ідеї»  

Topic of the speech: Spiritual and moral education as an integral part of the Ukrainian national idea 


Zhukovsky Vasyl Mykolayovych, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the National University "Ostroh Academy" 

Topic of the speech: Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching subjects of spiritual and moral orientation


Ustimenko Eugene, a student of 4th grade Romankivtsi Lyceum. KF Popovych, winner of the drawing contest on biblical themes among pupils and students of Chernivtsi region:

Presentation of the picture "The most important news in the world"


Filipchuk Svitlana Vasylivna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the National University "Ostroh Academy" 

Topic of the speech: Sociological principles of teaching subjects of spiritual and moral orientation


Ogirko Oleh Vasyliovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology 

Topic of the speech: Relevance and features of spiritual and moral education of student youth in higher education 


Bondarenko Viktor Dmytrovych, Head of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies of the National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Topic of the speech: Church and school in out-of-school education and upbringing: new realities and challenges of time


Tymoschuk Vasyl Oleksiiovych, Chairman of Rivne District Council, teacher-methodologist, excellent education of Ukraine

Topic of the speech: The role of local self-government in the spiritual and moral education of children and youth


Moisyuk Eliza, a student of the 7th grade of Koroviyska Secondary School of Chernivtsi region, participant of the Christian song contest among pupils and students of Chernivtsi region:

"The Lord is my good Shepherd"


Morgan Elijah, PhD in Theology and Economics, Switzerland  

Topic of the speech: Використання духовно-моральних і релігійних цінностей в освітніх системах країн світу


Reshetnikov Yuriy Yevhenovych, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Topic of the speech: Status and tendencies of teaching spiritual and moral courses in educational institutions of Ukraine


14.00 - 14.30 - break.


14.30 - 16.30 - Sectional meetings:


–        Section 1: Spiritual and moral education in preschool education
(moderators: Neryanova Svitlana Ivanivna, Khimich Ninel Yevhenivna)


1. Богуш Алла Михайлівна, завідувач кафедри теорії і методики дошкільної освіти Південноукраїнського державного педагогічного університету ім. К. Д. Ушинського,
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor: Spiritual development of preschool personality

2. Khimich Ninel Yevgenivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
доцент кафедри психології і педагогіки дошкільної освіти, завідувач лабораторії духовного розвитку особистості ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Г. Сковороди»:

Problems of spiritual and moral education of preschool children in modern ZDO

3. Оборіна Тетяна Володимирівна, вихователь-методист закладу дошкільної освіти № 4 «Казка» м. Южного Одеської області:

Introduction of spiritual and moral education in ZDO

4. Сучок Віра Євгенівна, завідувачка закладу дошкільної освіти № 4 «Казка» м. Южного Одеської області, член Громадської ради з питань співпраці з церквами та релігійними організаціями при Міністерстві освіти і науки України:

Experience of preschool institution № 4 m. South on Christian ethics

5. Vasyl Volodymyrovych Berbeka - Director of the Live, Ukraine Charitable Foundation, Member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Experience of interaction of the Charitable Foundation "Live, Ukraine!" with preschool education institutions on the issue of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers on the basis of Christian values

6. Zasypka Halyna Stepanivna, educator-methodologist of preschool institution № 11 “Cheburashka” of Pokrovsky city council of Donetsk region:

Christian ethics is an effective means of forming the primary moral worldview of preschoolers

7. Novikova Daria Petrovna, director All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission",
Member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Opportunities of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission" in providing teaching of spiritual and moral subjects

8. Ostryanska Olena Anatoliivna, Associate Professor of the Department of Scientific Work of the State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor:

Innovative pedagogical technology of using Ukrainian horting dolls is an effective means of moral and spiritual education of preschoolers

9. Чудовець Анжела Леонідівна, вихователь Здолбунівського ЗДО (ясла-садок) № 5 «Усмішка» Здолбунівської міської ради Рівненська обл., вихователь-методист:

Introduction of Christian spiritual and moral values in the educational process of a preschool institution: work experience

10. Blinova Svitlana Ivanivna, Methodist of SEC "Camellia" in Brovary (Kyiv region):

From the experience of the circle "Rays of Spirituality"

11. Козлова Наталія Леонідівна, соціальний педагог Ліцею  № 11 м.Новограда-Волинського (Житомирська обл.):

On spiritual morality

12. Brynska Lyubov Petrovna, director Kutsky ZDO (kindergarten) "Pokutyanka" (Ivano-Frankivsk region)

God is with us, but are we with Him?

13. Андрушків  Галина Федорівна, завідувачка preschool institution № 36 “Prolisok” Dobropillya, Donetsk region.

preschool № 36 “Prolisok” Dobropillya, Donetsk region Ecological and valeological education of preschool children on Christian values


–        Section 2: Spiritual and moral education in institutions of general secondary, vocational (vocational and technical) and higher education. Extracurricular and extracurricular work of spiritual and moral orientation

(moderators: Yevtushenko Raisa Ivanovna, Reshetnikov Yuriy Yevhenovych)    


1. Fastov Stanislav Sergeevich, director
Communal institution "Dolyna institution of general secondary education of I - III degrees" of Svyatogorsk city council of Donetsk region:

Моральне  виховання учнів в умовах модернізації навчально – виховного процесу

2. Bodik Ostap Petrovich, associate professor Mariupol State University, Doctor of Philosophy

The value potential of the humanitarian and social components of educational programs for the training of future foreign language teachers

3. Grekul Lyudmila Vladimirovna, chief specialist Department of Education of the Executive Committee of Rivne City Council

Spiritual and moral education in foreign language lessons

4. Tymchuk Lyubov Oleksandrivna, director of Ostroh secondary school of I-III grades №3 (Rivne region):

Return to the sources of Christian pedagogy

5. Oleg Feliksovich Podgaets, teacher Odessa NVK № 13, Master of Christian Pedagogy

Spiritual and moral foundation of personality on Christian values

6. Vasylyshyn Larysa Mykolayivna, director of the Lviv Ukrainian Humanitarian Gymnasium named after Elena Stepanov:

Spiritual and moral education of the youth of the XXI century

7. Жабляк Марія Дмитрівна, директор Науково-дослідного інституту Української духовної культури Карпатського університету ім. Августина Волошина, методист кабінету координаційно-методичної діяльності Закарпатського інституту післядипломної педагогічної освіти, доктор педагогічних наук

Problems and challenges of introduction of subjects and courses of spiritual and moral orientation (on the example of Zakarpattia region)

8. Berbeka Vasyl Volodymyrovych - Director of the Charitable Foundation "Live, Ukraine!", Member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Experience of interaction of the Charitable Foundation "Live, Ukraine!" with educational institutions on the issue of spiritual and moral education of students on the basis of Christian values

9. Kohut Valentyna Yosypivna, teacher of Christian ethics of Zinkiv Lyceum (Khmelnytsky region), teacher-methodologist:

Formation of national-patriotic competence through the prism of Christian values 

10. Pronina Olena Vladislavivna, assistant of Luhansk OIPPO:

Spiritual and moral education as a basis for educating patriotism of children and youth in Donetsk and Luhansk regions

11. Novikova Daria Petrovna, director All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission",
Member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Opportunities of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission" in providing teaching of spiritual and moral subjects

12. Skladanovska Vita Volodymyrivna, Deputy Director for Educational Work of Pokrovskaya Secondary School of I-III Grades of Pokrovskaya Village Council of Dnipropetrovsk Region:

Moral and spiritual education through the Program of moral growth of schoolchildren "Seven wells of humanity"

13. Gura Svitlana Pavlivna, methodologist of the educational and methodical center of the Municipal Institution "Zaporizhzhya Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education" of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Council:

Regional student festivals as a means of forming a citizen-patriot of Ukraine

14. Mukhina Lyubov Yakivna, Methodist of the highest category of the Department of Psychology and Personal Development of the State Institution of Higher Education "University of Education Management":

Higher education in the specialty 053 Psychology based on Christian values

15. Zhuk Andriy Vasyliovych, fourth-year bachelor's student, chairman of the Student Council of the Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of Ivan Zolotousty:

Moral and spiritual support as the main prerogative of higher education

16. Nesterova Angelina Ivanovna, Deputy Director for Educational Work of Secondary Schools of I-III Grades № 6, Zhytomyr

Exchange of experience as a teacher of Christian ethics and head of the methodological association of teachers of Christian ethics in Zhytomyr

17. Petrusyak Orysia Yuriyivna, Deputy Director for Educational Work, history teacher of Verenchanka OZZSO I-III degrees named after Iryna Wilde, Verenchanka village, Chernivtsi district, Chernivtsi region

Extracurricular and extracurricular work of spiritual and moral orientation

18. Сорокіна  Юлія  Анатоліївна, вчитель історії ЗЗСО І-ІІ ступенів № 7 м. Первомайськ

Extracurricular activities at the school of Christian ethics

19. Hrytsiv Maria Volodymyrivna, teacher of LDK SZSh № 3, master of higher religious education:

An important role of the teacher in extracurricular activities with children and parents in the spiritual and moral direction

20. Kuzminich Lyudmyla Oleksiivna, teacher, head of the group "Christian Ethics" NVK № 4 Dobropillya, Donetsk region:

Spiritual and moral education of children in the organization of extracurricular activities

21. Moldovan Natalia Anatoliyivna, director of Bochkovets NEC (Chernivtsi region):

An integrated approach when teaching spiritual and moral courses in the educational space

22. Shadania Marina Yosypivna, teacher Svyatohorivska comprehensive school of I-III degrees of Dobropil 'city council of Donetsk region

Spiritual and moral education in general secondary education institutions

23. Vovk Inna Vasylivna, head teacher of Strikhovetsky ZZSO of I-II degrees (Khmelnytsky region):

School and spirituality

24. Lyman Oleksandr Volodymyrovych, priest of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine:

Problems of students' acceptance of Christian ethics

25. Piven Julia Sergeevna, teacher of natural sciences:

Adolescents: new challenges

26. Lyudmila Mykolayivna Golovka, "Senior teacher" of Christian ethics, Ukrainian language and literature, foreign literature of the Boguslavets educational complex "General school of I-III centuries. - preschool educational institution ”named after MO Maksymovych of Voznesensk village council of Zolotonosha district of Cherkasy region, teacher of the highest qualification category,

"Teach me to love!" (the role of spiritual and moral education in school)

27. Пальоха Валентина Вікторівна, учитель української мови та літератури, основ християнської етики ЗОШ І-ІІ ст. с. Звірів Волинської обл.:

Educating students on Christian moral values

28. Stupets Lyudmyla Yosypivna, teacher of Christian ethics at SZSh № 96 in Lviv, master of religious sciences

The importance of teaching spiritual and moral courses in primary schools

29. Boyko Petro Volodymyrovych, archpriest, vice-rector for educational work, associate professor of the department of church-practical disciplines of the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy, candidate of theological sciences, associate professor:

New trends in the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions

theological education: challenges and prospects

30. Romanchuk Yaroslav Romanovych, archpriest, dean of the theological faculty of the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy, candidate of sciences in theology, associate professor:

Biblical principles of conflict resolution in the context of spiritual and moral education of higher

31. Vorobyova Svitlana Serhiivna, foreign language teacher of Kryvyi Rih secondary school № 41:

Mental health in the intellectual sphere


–        Section 3: Software and educational and methodological support for teaching subjects of spiritual and moral orientation

moderators: Sidanich Irina Leonidovna, Grishchuk Dmitry Gennadyevich)


1. Sokhan Halyna Stepanovna, associate professor Lviv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Candidate of Philological Sciences

Методика викладання предметів духовно-морального спрямування в закладах загальної середньої освіти

2. Lakhman Natalia Nikolaevna, head's assistant,
teacher of the basics of Christian ethics of the Mizotsky educational complex of the I-II centuries. - Lyceum of Mizotsky territorial community of Rivne district of Rivne region

Working on the project is an effective method of forming the spiritual and moral values of students

3. Kravchuk Irina Vladimirovna, primary school teacher of Brovary gymnasium named after SI Oliynyk, Brovary, Kyiv region

Spiritual and moral education of primary school students with parables

4. Zhukovsky Vasyl Mykolayovych, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the National University "Ostroh Academy":

Presentation of the program "Fundamentals of Christian Ethics" 

5. Laughter Svetlana Vladimirovna, senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education:

Christian spirituality in the content of the course "Fundamentals of Christian Ethics"

6. Kovalchuk Irina Petrovna, Secretary of the Synodal Department of Religious Education, Catechesis and Missionary Work of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Presentation of the program "Biblical History and Christian Ethics"

7. Rogova Elena Georgievna, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Municipal Institution of Higher Education "Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education" of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council ", Candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Presentation of educational and methodological support for the program "Biblical History and Christian Ethics"

8. Дроздовський Олександр Михайлович, директор Білоцерківської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 4 (Київська обл.):

Formation of spiritual and moral values by means of the course "Biblical History and Christian Ethics"

9. Krasikova Halyna Ivanivna:

Presentation of the program "Christian ethics in Ukrainian culture"

10. Novikova Daria Petrovna, director All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission",
Member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Opportunities of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission" in providing teaching of spiritual and moral subjects

11. Radziwill Tetyana Viktorivna, Director of ZZSO of Yavoriv Secondary School of I-II grades of Novohrad-Volynskyi district of Zhytomyr region

The value of "Lessons of character education" in terms of integration of the educational process

12. Cherepova Inna Viktorivna, Project Manager "Superbook" IGO "Emmanuel" (Kyiv), Master of Psychology

Educational and methodical set "Superbook Academy"

13. Bukovynsky Adrian Yosypovych,
President of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Family", candidate of philosophical sciences:

Presentation of the program "Fundamentals of the Family"

14. Oliynyk Oleh Valeriiovych, head
NGO "My Generation", pastor of the Christian Church "New Life" (Kramatorsk, Donetsk region): Presentation of the program "School of married life"

15. Vlad Maria Vasylivna, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature of Chernivtsi professional construction lyceum, master of theology

Life-creating aspects of the subjects of the spiritual and moral cycle

16. Сучок Віра Євгенівна, завідувачка закладу дошкільної освіти № 4 «Казка» м. Южного Одеської області, член Громадської ради з питань співпраці з церквами та релігійними організаціями при Міністерстві освіти і науки України:

Presentation of the program of spiritual and moral education of preschool children on Christian values

17. Bryn Lyudmyla Ivanivna, President of the Children's Mission NGO:

Experience of public religious organizations for the development of professional competencies of teachers of spiritual and moral subjects

18. Yaroshenko Mykhailo Oleksiiovych, teacher of history, jurisprudence, civic education of the Municipal Institution "Taganchansky Lyceum" of Stepanetsky village council of Cherkasy region

The role of spiritual and moral education to motivate the successful organization of the educational process

19. Koval Olena Pavlivna, teacher of the basics of Christian ethics of Ternopil ZZSO of I-III centuries. № 28

Strategic subject in general secondary education institutions

20. Bakka Tamara Volodymyrivna, Associate Professor of the Department of Church-Practical Disciplines of the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor:

Preparation of teachers of theological branch for teaching subjects of spiritual and moral orientation in general secondary education institutions

21. Zagrebelna Nina Ivanivna, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Social Disciplines and Gender Education of the National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov:

Methods of using didactic materials in teaching subjects of spiritual and moral orientation.


–        Section 4: Integration of spiritual values into academic disciplines

(moderators: Halyna Ivanivna Doktorovych, Alyona Hryhorivna Ignatova)



1. Gavlitina Tatiana Nikolaevna, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

The spiritual aspect of the value potential of the competencies of the personality of the student ZSSO

2. Mandryk Maria Stepanovna, director of Banylovo-Pidhirnivska gymnasium (Chernivtsi region):

Education of spiritual values as a basis for the formation of the student's personality

3. Sidorchuk Maria Mykhailivna, director, teacher of foreign literature, basics of Christian ethics of Volodymyr Melnyk Chornyz lyceum of Kolkiv village council of Volyn region

Spiritual values in the process of teaching disciplines

4. Borovy Volodymyr Mykhailovych, priest, Candidate of Theological Sciences, Chernivtsi:

Value-oriented pedagogy

5. Khlanta Ivan Vasyliovych, Leading Methodist of the Regional Organizational and Methodological Center of Culture of Transcarpathia, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Honored Artist of Ukraine:

Education of spiritual and moral values of youth on the basis of Ukrainian folklore

6. Gaiduchyk Oksana Arsenivna, Deputy for Educational Work Pochuykivska Secondary School of the 1st-2nd grades, a branch of the village of Ashtray, Zhytomyr Region

"Lives of Saints" in the course of teaching Christian ethics

7. Prokhorenko-Duchenko Oksana Feodosiivna, Associate Professor of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Philological Sciences:

Integration of spiritual values during the teaching of the discipline "Rhetoric"

8. Vyshnevska Olga Mykolayivna, Deputy Director for the Organization of Inclusive Education of the Municipal Educational Institution “SZSH № 6” of the Dnipro City Council

Integration of spiritual values during the educational process in high school in inclusive classes

9. Berbeka Vasyl Volodymyrovych - Director of the Charitable Foundation "Live, Ukraine!", Member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Experience of interaction of the Charitable Foundation "Live, Ukraine!" with preschool education institutions on the issue of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers on the basis of Christian values

10. Novikova Daria Petrovna, director All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission",
Member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Opportunities of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Eastern European Humanitarian Mission" in providing teaching of spiritual and moral subjects

11. Ящишин Тетяна Іллівна, вчитель образотворчого мистецтва Гімназії «Гармонія» – структурного підрозділу Галицького коледжу ім. В’ячеслава Чорновола (м. Тернопіль), вчитель-методист

Spirituality in the lessons of the aesthetic cycle

12. Yurkevich Nadezhda Bogdanovna, teacher of elementary school of Novotroitsk ZZSO of I-III degrees of Pokrovsky city council of Donetsk region

How to integrate spiritual values into the disciplines of primary school

13. Hudyma Inna Oleksandrivna, Head of the Department of External Relations of the International Open University named after Volodymyr Martsynkovsky, graduate student of the Department of Cultural Studies and Philosophy of the National University "Ostroh Academy":

Integration into the educational process of world-renowned books with high spiritual and moral values

14. Madyanovsky Konstantin Antonovich, rector of the parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Obukhov (Kyiv region), Doctor of Philosophy in theology:

Personality formation in the light of modern information technologies. Culture of children and youth in the use of modern information and social networks

15. Chamarnyk Maria Tadeivna, teacher of the gymnasium "Harmony" of the Galician College named after V. Chornovola (Ternopil):

Integration of spiritual values into academic disciplines

16. Цвілинюк  Наталія  Василівна, вчитель основ християнської етики та основ  здоров’я  Криворівнянського  ліцею  ім. М. Грушевського (Івано-Франківська обл.):

Forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle by means of Biblical values

17. Melnik Stepan Mikhailovich, teacher Zarichansky Lyceum named after Volodymyr Yavorsky (Ivano-Frankivsk region), senior teacher

The role of spiritual and moral education in the context of the challenges facing Ukrainian society today

18. Derevyanko Vira Ivanivna, Deputy Director of the school for educational work, teacher of ethics of the Support Institution "Kolychiv Secondary School of I-III degrees of Ivanivka village council of Chernihiv district of Chernihiv region"

The role of spiritual values in the formation of personality

19. Motruk Tetyana Olehivna, Deputy Director for Educational Work of Sheparivtsi Gymnasium of Kolomyia City Council of Ivano-Frankivsk Region:

Cooperation between the church and the educational institution in the direction of spiritual and moral education of children


20. Pogrebnyak Svitlana Vasylivna, Deputy Director for Educational Work Khmelnytsky Secondary School of I-III Grades №22 named after Oleg Olzhych

Spiritual and moral direction of the educational process in the school of humane pedagogy

21. Lyudmila Mykolayivna Golovka, "Senior teacher" of Christian ethics, Ukrainian language and literature, foreign literature of the Boguslavets educational complex "General school of I-III centuries. - preschool educational institution ”named after MO Maksymovych of Voznesensk village council of Zolotonosha district of Cherkasy region, teacher of the highest qualification category,

Spiritual humanism is the basis of a child's sustainable development

22. Tamara Mykhailivna Vysotska, Doctor of Philosophy:

Religious and educational system of Ukraine: current state and problems of development

23. Gavrilenko Svitlana Yosypivna, President of the NGO "Theosophical Society in Ukraine", Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Enlightenment as an incentive for transformation itself


–        Section 5: The role of the parent community in providing spiritual and moral education for students

(moderator - Senchuk Oksana Vladimirovna)


1. Orlov Vitaly Nikolaevich, Head of the Alliance for Ukraine for the Family:

Educating parents as a guarantee of forming a quality system of children's values

2. Bukovynsky Adrian Yosypovych, President of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Family",
candidate of philosophical sciences

3. Senchuk Oksana Volodymyrivna, coordinator of educational projects of the Commission on Education and Upbringing of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Secretary of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

The value component of partnership pedagogy

4. Oliynyk Oleh Valeriiovych, head
NGO "My Generation", pastor of the Christian Church "New Life" (Kramatorsk, Donetsk region):

The importance of preparing students for married life

5. Popudnyk Vasyl Vasyliovych, Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the Ukrainian Church of Evangelical Christians, Doctor of Theology:

Forming a family based on Christian values

6. Volkova Halyna Hryhorivna, educator-methodologist CRD School № 18 "Yasochka" Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region

Formation of value orientations of preschool children

7. Kislova Lilia Yuriyivna, Chairman of the Presidium of the International Public Organization "Reformation", Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration in the Field of Family Policy, Doctor of Theology:

The role of spiritual and moral education in the family

8. Veneta Lyubov Stepanovna, teacher of the basics of Christian ethics and Ukrainian language and literature of the Municipal Institution "Velykoberezovytska Secondary School of I-III grades. Velykoberezovytsia village council of Ternopil region ":

Cooperation with parents in the field of spiritual and moral education and its results

9. Kryvenko Oleksandr Hryhorovych, Head of the Information Department of the Public Organization "Movement for Life and Dignity of Man", founder and coordinator of the spiritual and educational platform "Protection of Christian values - the foundations of life and family in Ukraine", journalist, Master of Law:

Christian ethics and state policy in Ukraine: challenges and tasks

10. Parenyuk Albina Williamivna, President of the Foundation "Gifts of Learning", founder of the Public Union "International Alliance for the Development of Christian Education", member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

Possibilities of public-state partnership in education in the format of decentralization


16.30 - 17.00 - break


17.00 - 20.00 - The second plenary session. The Second All-Ukrainian Congress of Teachers of Spiritual and Moral Orientation.

(moderators: Marushchenko Volodymyr Stanislavovych, Reshetnikov Yuriy Yevhenovych)


Matlasevych Oksana Volodymyrivna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the National University "Ostroh Academy" 

Topic of the speech: Professional competencies and features of a teacher of spiritual and moral subjects


Bed Vasyl Vasyliovych, Bishop of Mukachevo and the Carpathians, head of the Mukachevo-Carpathian Diocese of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, rector of the Carpathian University. A. Voloshin, Doctor of Law, Doctor of Theology, Professor

Shulga Vitaliy Mykolayovych, Chairman of the NGO "Association of Christian Teachers"  

Topic of the speech: Constitutional and legal principles of teaching subjects of spiritual and moral orientation 


Fazan Vasyl Vasyliovych, Professor of Poltava National Pedagogical University named after VG Korolenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Topic of the speech: Problems of modern spiritual world space in education


Benjamin, Bishop of Novosanzharsky, First Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Department of Religious Education, Catechesis and Missionary Work of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, First Vice-Rector of Poltava Missionary Theological Seminary, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences

Topic of the speech: Theoretical and practical priorities of teaching "Biblical History and Christian Ethics" in primary school


Virolainen Oksana Vasylivna, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Dnipropetrovsk City Council

Topic of the speech: The triad of education of spiritual values through the prism of the philosophy of morality


Sukhareva Svitlana Volodymyrivna, Doctor of Philology, Professor and Head of the Department of Polish Studies and Translation of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, mother of students of 6th and 8th grades of Lutsk Gymnasium № 21 named after Mykhailo Kravchuk.

Topic of the speech: Teaching subjects of spiritual and moral orientation - the continuation of family education and family traditions


Orlov Vitaliy Mykolayovych, Head of the Alliance "Ukraine for the Family"

Topic of the speech: The influence of moral values on the life of the individual and the nation


Adrian Yosypovych Bukovynsky, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, President of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Family"

Topic of the speech: Aspects of the implementation of the program "Fundamentals of the Family" in the educational process in 2021/2022


Oliynyk Oleh Valeriiovych, head NGO "My Generation", pastor of the Christian Church "New Life" (Kramatorsk, Donetsk region):

Topic of the speech: Experience in implementing the School of Marital Life program


Stetsyk Tetyana Andriivna, director of Kolodynsky lyceum of Kornyn village council of Rivne district of Rivne region

Молдован Наталія Анатоліївна, директор  Бочковецького НВК І-ІІ ступенів Топорівської сільської ради Чернівецького району Чернівецької області Топорівська ТГ.

Topic of the speech: Викладання предметів духовно-морального спрямування у контексті реалізації навчального плану закладу загальної середньої освіти


Samolyuk Anna Stepanovna, Deputy Director for Educational Work, teacher-methodologist of the basics of Christian ethics of the Factory secondary school of I-III degrees of the Factory village council of Chortkiv district of Ternopil region

Topic of the speech: Features and educational potential of the lesson of spiritual and moral orientation


Zvarych Hanna Volodymyrivna, Deputy Head of the Department-Head of the Department for Educational Reform of the Department of Education and Science of the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Topic of the speech: Education of the individual on Christian values in educational institutions of Ternopil region


Doctorovych Halyna Ivanivna 

Topic of the speech: Problems and challenges of introduction of subjects and courses of spiritual and moral orientation (on the example of Sumy region)


Lyudmyla Dmytrivna Rybalka, Methodist of the Department of Social Disciplines of the Donetsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education

Topic of the speech: Spiritual and moral education as a basis for educating patriotism of children and youth in Donetsk and Luhansk regions 


Buchko Kateryna Dmytrivna, researcher of the Educational and Methodical Center named after at. Yu. Dzerovych, Doctor of Philosophy

Topic of the speech: The role and tasks of churches in providing religious education in Ukrainian schools


Kyryliuk Svitlana Petrovna, undergraduate student of the National University "Ostroh Academy" 

Topic of the speech: Предмети духовно-морального спрямування – путівка у самостійне життя


Lavor Oleksiy Fedorovych, head of the public organization "Association of Christian Teachers":

Topic of the speech: Psychological and pedagogical features of teaching the course "Fundamentals of Christian Ethics" in a penal colony


Звіт голови Всеукраїнської ради з питань виконання ухвал І Всеукраїнського з’їзду педагогів із предметів духовно-морального спрямування  Жуковського Василя Миколайовича.


Summing up. Adoption of the final document.